
Personal data charter

SEO JUNGLE strives to protect the privacy of Users by respecting the laws and regulations in force and in particular Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms (hereinafter “the Data Protection Act).
This Personal Data Charter is an integral part of the General Conditions of Use of the Site.

Article 1 – Definitions

Personal data: designates any information directly or indirectly identifying a natural person.

Site: designates the SEO JUNGLE website accessible at the following address:

Processing: designates any operation, or set of operations, relating to personal data, regardless of the process used.

User: designates any user of the Site.

Article 2 – Collection of Personal Data

During their navigation on the Site, the User may be required to communicate personal information concerning them to SEO JUNGLE.

SEO JUNGLE may use cookies to analyze traffic and use of the SEO JUNGLE Site. The SEO JUNGLE Cookie Policy is available on the Site in the “Cookies Policy” tab:

When using the Site, the following User data may be processed by SEO JUNGLE:

  • His identification data (surname, first name, company name, date and place of birth)
  • Their contact data (postal address, telephone number, email address, IP address, etc.


Article 3 – Purposes of processing

SEO JUNGLE collects and processes user data for the following purposes:

  • Know and understand the User’s needs;
  • Verification of the User’s identity;
  • Manage the commercial relationship with the User;
  • Respond to requests and requests from the User within the framework of the commercial relationship;
  • Handle questions or requests for information electronically and/or telephone as part of the commercial relationship.


Article 4 – Shelf life

User data is kept for 13 months.

Article 5 – Consent

By accessing or using the Site, the User accepts the rules relating to the collection, processing and use of Personal Data as set out below.

Article 6 – Processing of Personal Data

SEO JUNGLE strives to collect and carry out fair and lawful processing of Personal Data.

As such, SEO JUNGLE ensures that the User concerned by the processing is informed of the purpose of this processing, the retention period of the processed data, the person responsible for the processing and the recipient of the processing.

SEO JUNGLE undertakes to make its best efforts to take the necessary measures to guarantee the security of the data it has collected and avoid their disclosure to unauthorized third parties.

Article 7 – User Rights

The User concerned by the processing of Personal Data benefits from a right of opposition which can be exercised at any time by contacting SEO JUNGLE under the conditions defined below. In the event that this right is exercised, the User will no longer be able to access the features of the Site requiring the processing of their data.

The User also benefits from a right of access, rectification and deletion of his data allowing him in particular to access information concerning him and to demand that his data be, depending on the case, rectified, supplemented, updated updated or deleted.

The User also benefits from a right to portability allowing him in particular to recover the data concerning him processed by SEO JUNGLE for his personal use and/or to transfer them to a new organization.

Any questions or requests relating to the processing of Personal Data should be sent electronically to:

The User must indicate in their request their last name, first name, date of birth, company name, postal address and e-mail.

SEO JUNGLE has a response time of 2 months from the date of receipt of the User’s request.

Article 8 – Data controller

The User’s Personal Data is processed by:


Simplified joint stock company

Registered with the Caen RCS under number 97806132300017

Whose head office is located 8 bis boulevard Georges Pompidou – 14000 Caen (France)

Article 9 – Processing recipient

The User’s personal data may be communicated by SEO JUNGLE to the following third parties:

  • Administrative or judicial authorities, when this disclosure is necessary for the identification, arrest or prosecution of any individual likely to harm the rights of SEO JUNGLE, any other User or a third party.
  • The TRACFIN unit (article L. 561-2 of the monetary and financial code);
  • SEO JUNGLE service providers and subcontractors providing a service on behalf of SEO JUNGLE and/or in its name in order to enable SEO JUNGLE to provide its services.


Article 10 – Security of Personal Data

SEO JUNGLE makes its best efforts to ensure the security of the User’s Personal Data by implementing physical, electronic and administrative technical protection measures proportionate to the risks incurred and in compliance with applicable regulations.

SEO JUNGLE cannot be responsible for the risks linked to the operation of the User’s internet network. It is up to the User to ensure that means are put in place to secure their internet network.

Article 11 – Update of the Personal Data Charter

SEO JUNGLE reserves the right to update this Site Personal Data Charter at any time and without notice.

When using the Site, the User is required to regularly refer to the latest version of the Site’s Personal Data Charter.